I’m Eostar Kamala.
I welcome you to explore my world and take a walk in the enchanted forest of my soul’s desire to assist human beings in their transformation and awakening.
By navigating around, using the buttons and boxes below, you will gain insight into my offerings.
We all have the codes to accelerated evolution of consciousness and it is great to have support and guidance -and the use of techniques and modalities that are so ancient.
I welcome you to take an insight into the various different events and healing modalities that I am offering: sacred music concerts, hypnotherapy, entheogenic medicine support, medicine song circles and workshops, breathwork and hypno-breathing sessions, one-on-one and group inner child work and parts work sessions.
Please click on the links below to find out more!

Personal Development and Healing with Eostar
Let Eostar gently guide you through various transformational and healing modalities that really work!

Original Sacred Songs, Virtuoso Guitar Improvisations, Sound Healing Music, Ceremonial Song Circles, Medicine Music Workshops

Entheogenic Medicine Support
Microdosing Psychedelics Education
Sacred Ceremony
Psychedelic Preparation and Integration

Journey with Eostar as she shares from her unique viewpoint that arises from more than half a century of experiences in various continents, cultural contexts and dimensions.
The Medicine Tree
This painting of mine summarizes my message. In the center is the heart – the lessons in Love that we are here to learn. The wings represent the rising of consciousness that happens through relentless focusing on Truth and Wisdom. The crown jewel of our being is the lotus with the petals opening as we continue on our evolutionary journey. All the while we are staying firmly rooted in the ground, facing every challenge in life with courage and clear thinking. The image is interwoven with the flower of life symbol that represents the unbreakable connectedness of all that is in existence. The Medicine Tree is a visual representation of that which is also expressed in my music.

Upcoming music concerts, medicine song circles and workshops, breathwork and sound healing journeys, Hypno-Breathing sessions and sacred ceremonies…
Check out our events page to see our upcoming concerts and breathwork and sound-healing journey offerings! For inquiry about our sacred ceremonial offerings please send us an email. We hope to see you soon!