We are living in unprecedented times, saturated with electromagnetic radiation, toxicity, man-made viruses and chaotic frequencies. How can we still stay in tune and in touch with our true essence? What do we need to do to stay healthy in mind and body? Is there a way out of physical dis-ease, emotional turmoil and spiritual disconnectedness?
“Shadow Into Light” is an amalgamation of the most effective therapeutic approaches I have studied and acquired through the many years of my research and practice.
These include:
(Click on the colored texts to find out more)
– Hypnotherapy – the therapeutic use of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective technology for reprogramming the subconscious mind, replacing old negative habits with new healthy habits and using the mind’s power of imagination to create a better outcomes in Life.
I have completed the prestigious Hypnosis Motivation Institute’s 300-hour Certified Master Hypnotist Program, as well as HMI’s 700-hour Certified Hypnotherapist Program which fulfills all the requirements for Certification as “Hypnotherapist” with the American Hypnosis Association.
– Birth Into Being/ Limbic Imprint Recoding – unwinding and re-programming birth and childhood trauma.
– Breathwork – using breath to allow Life Force Energy to break open blocked emotional content and suppressed parts and allow access to the True Self
– Hypno-Breathing – ancient breathwork technology that takes one into a trance state, followed by a guided meditation. Deep subconscious negative programming deactivation and replacement with new positive programming.
– Recall Healing – re-visiting ancestral wounds, recognizing repeating negative patterns in Life, healing the family tree
– Internal Family Systems – witnessing the various fragmented aspects of the True Self as they come out of the shadow into the light of consciousness for healing. Un-burdening sub-personalities that carry the shame and the pain.
– Self-Love Mastery – learning how to recognize voices within that are in the way of Self Love. Embracing all parts, even the most hateful ones and the worst saboteurs. Learning to express love and appreciation for Self.
– Inner Child Work – Journeying into the most wounded parts of Self, reprogramming the most toxic patterns.
– Sound Healing – Journeying on the wings of transcendental sounds to assist in cleansing, releasing, re-aligning and bathing in healing energetic resonances.
– Sacred Ceremony – Sacred Ritual using certain entheogenic plant medicines.
– Microdosing Psychedelics Education – Following a certain protocol, taking sub-perceptual amounts of entheogenic medicines, transformation can happen as we set our intentions firmly.
– Yoga – meditation, mindfulness, asana practice, pranayama and phylosophical teachings from the ancient teachers of humanity.

“Thank you so much, it was such a transformative hypnotherapy session, I especially felt the effects the next day, especially because I was able to have a good night’s sleep for the first time in over a decade. I look forward to more.” Sandra
“I feel like that breathwork practice today was a beginning. It changed the whole energy of my own self and my relationships, so thank you!
H. M.
“Transpersonal states, beingness. States of no mind and pure presence. At times I felt like a child in the womb. My body felt transparent. The sound healing at the end was nice and very effective. I felt the sweetness of beingess.”
“I wanted to share with you that I found your breath work and emotional healing session very potent and powerful. I also wanted to say that you are definitely in your right purpose offering such work. So much gratitude to you.”
Through “Shadow Into Light”…
– You will learn a set of master keys that unlock doors of the subconscious mind, exposing the cause of problems, repeating struggles, self-sabotage, internal conflicts and relational difficulties.
– You will identify and resolve emotional trauma behind physical and mental symptoms of illness.
– You will understand the magnitude of hidden emotions.
– You will journey into your subconscious mind where you can transform old dysfunctional patterns into conscious, positive action.
– You will understand how beliefs function as a filter through which we interpret our reality, we make decisions and we see life.
– You will integrate the opposing voices inside your psyche.
– You will learn visualization techniques that instruct your subconscious mind to draw certain experiences toward you and influence the formation of your reality.
– You will learn to be the observer of your mind and your fragmented parts.
– You will learn what it means to be in the now.
– You will get in touch with your intuition.
– You will learn to integrate the parts of you that you sent into exile – allowing yourself to be integrated and in alignment with the true you.
– You will learn to LOVE YOURSELF.
My Experience
- Therapeutic hypnosis
- Therapeutic transformational Shadow-work
- Inner Child Work
- Internal Family Systems
- Breathwork teaching/facilitating
- Shamanic healing
- Founding “Shadow Into Light” Hypnotherapy
- Yoga teaching
- Sound healing
- Song-writing, sacred music recording and performing
- Sacred Plant Medicine ceremonial facilitating
My Education
- Hypnosis Motivation Institute – Certified Master Hypnotist (2024), Certified Hypnotherapist (2025)
- Internal Family Systems in Coaching ( 2021)
- Recall Healing Levels 1-3  (with Dr. Michelle LaMasa Schrader, 2021)
- The Self Love Course (online with Teal Swan, 2020)
- “Anatomy of Awakening” – Certified Breathwork Practitioner Training (The Breath Center, 2019)
- Shamanic training in Peru (2016-2017)
- Theta Healing (with Judy Dragon, 2012)
- Birth Into Being ( with Elena Tonetti, 2011, 2012)
- Certified Yoga Instructor training (Sivananda Yoga Farm, Grass Valley, 2006)
- Teacher of English Language and Literature, MA ( ELTE University, Budapest 1996)
Find out more…


Sound Healing

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